Templates by BIGtheme NET

How to create custom Tuple in Java

In this article, I will show you to create a simple custom Tuple class and how to use that in java classes. Tools Used : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Maven 3) JDK 1.8 When to Use? The initial motivation is to use this tuple object as Key in HashMap. Simple Steps to be followed 1) Create a Maven ...

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RESTFul Web Service explained in 5 minutes

In this Article, I will show How to create, build, deploy and test RestFul Web Service. Tools and technologies Uses : 1) jersey-bom – 2.26-b01 2) jersey-container-servlet-core 3) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 4) Maven 4.0.0 5) apache-tomcat-8.0.22 6) JDK 1.6 or above Steps to be followed : 1) Create Maven RESTFul Project in Eclipse. 2) Build the web project RESTFullWSQuickStart. ...

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Multithreading with spring jdbc for bulk operations

This could be common requirement for most of the projects to perform bulk database operations. In this Article, I will show How to do bulk database operations like update, insert, delete in efficient way by using batch processing and multithreading with help of Spring jdbc template. When to Use ? – When there is a need to improve the performance ...

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Bound Statement Vs Prepared Statement

In this Article, I will show How to work with Cassandra Bound Statement. How this differ from Prepared Statement. Few questions come to mind, while using Bound Statement are. When to Use Bound Statement? – If the provided statements that map to different tables? Yes – The goal of the bound statement is to be able to execute a bunch ...

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Gradle to create jar file using eclipse

In this article, I will show How to create jar file using Graddle. How to test the same jar file. Tools Used : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Graddle 2.11 3) JDK 1.8 Simple Steps to be followed, 1) Create a Gradle project. 2) Modify the build.gradle file. 3) Add some java source and test classes. 4) Run and ...

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Gradle Hello World in Java Using eclipse

In this article, I will show How to configure Graddle in eclipse IDE. How to write simple hello world java program using Graddle. The Gradle java project folder structure. How to add new java source and test classes. How to run and build the project with Graddle. Tools Used : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Graddle 2.11 3) JDK ...

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Gradle Quick Start

In this article, I will show you How to install Gradle on Windows system. Write a simple “Hello World” program. How to add simple task, run and test. How to install Gradle on Windows System : Simple steps to be followed, 1) Download latest Gradle versions from Gradle. Extract the zip file to C:\ path. 2) Create and environment variable ...

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Java Program to read .PST and .OST files

In this Article, I will show you simple java program to read micro soft files with .pst and .ost extension. Tools Uses : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Maven 3.3.3 3) JDK 1.6 or higher Simple Java program to read .ost and .pst files. Simple Steps to follow, 1) Create a maven project. 2) Add java-libpst dependency to pom.xml ...

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Insert operation with mongo-java-driver 3.0.2

In this Article, I will show different ways of inserting document into MongoDB database. Tools used : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Maven 3.3.3 3) MongoDB 3.0.6 Server. 4) mongo-java-driver 3.0.2. 5) Java 1.8 If you are completely new to mongodb, please refer mongodb-quick-start Prerequisites : 1) mongodb Server should be up and running. 2) collection should be created ...

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MongoDB CRUD Operation Using Java

In this Article, I will show How to connect to MongoDB database from java. How to perform retrieve, insert, update and delete operations. Tools used : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Maven 3.3.3 3) MongoDB 3.0.6 Server. 4) mongo-java-driver 3.0.2. 5) Java 1.8 If you are completely new to mongodb, please refer mongodb-quick-start Prerequisites : 1) mongodb Server should ...

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