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Author Archives: Venkata Harikrishna Nallamalli

How to add / remove rows dynamically to table in jQuery

In this article, I will show how add / remove rows to a table with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. Two JQuery methods append() and remove(), I am using to add / remove rows from a table. append is a JQuery method to add ...

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How to read JSON object using JAVA 8

In this article, I will show how read JSON object using JAVA 8. Tools Used : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Maven 3.3.3 3) JDK 1.8 Simple steps to follow are : 1) Create a simple maven project. 2) Add the dependencies. 3) Write a simple java program to read JSON object from file. 4) Run the program. Add ...

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JQuery : user confirmation before re-load a page

In this article, I will show how provide user confirmation dialogue box before re-load (or) refresh (or) back to previous page by press back button a web page with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. When a page is exiting or unloading, the “unload” event ...

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JQuery: Highlight table row record on hover

In this article, I will show how to highlight table row on mouse hover event with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. JQuery hover() is a function expect two arguments, Syntax is, selector.hover( over, out ); Here, selector is some id of the form. over ...

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JQuery Example to re-load Page

In this article, I will show how to implement page refresh or reload with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. With reload() method of location object in JQuery, we can reload the current document or page. Syntax of reload() method is, location.reload(forceGet); This method is ...

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JQuery Zebra Stripes in a Table

In this article, I will show how to implement zebra stripes in a table with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. Simple Steps are, 1) Creating simple html table with some static data. 2) Add css styles to give better look and feel to the ...

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Update Cassandra Column Family Data using hector API

In this Article, I will show How to update cassandra data with hector API. How to write a simple java program that insert data into Cassandra database. Tools Uses : 1) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 2) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 3) Maven 3.3.3 4) JDK 1.6 Steps to write Java Program to update Data : 1) Create a simple maven project. 2) Add ...

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Spring Data Cassandra : Retrieve Operation

In this Article, I will show How to retrieve single and bulk data from Cassandra Database with Spring Data Cassandra Template. How to create a maven project and add required dependencies. Tools Uses : 1) spring-data-cassandra-1.2.1.RELEASE 2) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 3) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 4) Maven 3.3.3 5) JDK 1.6 Steps to be follow : 1) Create a simple maven project. ...

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Spring Data Cassandra : Delete Operation

In this Article, I will show How to delete single and bulk data from Cassandra Database with Spring Data Cassandra Template. How to create a maven project and add required dependencies. Tools Uses : 1) spring-data-cassandra-1.2.1.RELEASE 2) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 3) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 4) Maven 3.3.3 5) JDK 1.6 Steps to be follow : 1) Create a simple maven project. ...

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Spring Data Cassandra : Update data

In this Article, I will show How to update single and bulk data in Cassandra Database with Spring Data Cassandra Template. How to create a maven project and add required dependencies. Tools Uses : 1) spring-data-cassandra-1.2.1.RELEASE 2) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 3) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 4) Maven 3.3.3 5) JDK 1.6 Steps to be follow : 1) Create a simple maven project. ...

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