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Author Archives: Venkata Harikrishna Nallamalli

Java Collections – Sorting Problem

One of my hot favorite topic is sorting. Description of the problem: 1) Imagine a line of containers which are going to be loaded onto the ship. Assume the desired loading sequence is 1,2,3 eg C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 2) A Container class is has a sequence method .getSeq(). So lets say for C1, container.getSeq() == 1 For ...

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JQuery to display simple timer on web page

This is a common requirement for most of the web sites. There are different ways to display digital clock on web pages. Most efficient way is useing JQuery. Even we can use Java Script, performence hit will be there in case. This solves even browser time zone difference problem as well. Code works fine with browsers like IE10, IE11, Firefox ...

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