Templates by BIGtheme NET


Spring Data Cassandra : Insert Operation

In this Article, I will show How to insert single and bulk data into Cassandra Database with Spring Data Cassandra Template. How to create a maven project and add required dependencies. Tools Uses : 1) spring-data-cassandra-1.2.1.RELEASE 2) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 3) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 4) Maven 3.3.3 5) JDK 1.6 Steps to be follow : 1) Create a simple maven project. ...

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Spring Data Cassandra hello world example

In this Article, I will show How to start quick development with Spring Data Cassandra. How to create a maven project and add required dependencies. How to retrieve data using Spring Cassandra Template. Tools Uses : 1) spring-data-cassandra-1.2.1.RELEASE 2) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 3) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 4) Maven 3.3.3 5) JDK 1.6 Steps to be follow : 1) Create a simple ...

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How to get Super column count in Super Column Family by key

In this Article, I will show How to get Super column count in Super Column Family by key using hector API. What is Super column family. Simple Use case that helps to understand Super column family in cassandra. Tools Uses : 1) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 2) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 3) Maven 3.3.3 4) JDK 1.6 What is Supercolumn Family ? 1) ...

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How to retrieve data from Super Column Family Using Hector API

In this Article, I will show How to retrieve data from Super column family using hector API. What is Super column family. Simple Use case that helps to understand Super column family in cassandra. Tools Uses : 1) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 2) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 3) Maven 3.3.3 4) JDK 1.6 What is Supercolumn Family ? 1) Super columns interns store ...

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How to Create Super Column Family Using Hector API

In this Article, I will show How create Super column family using hector API in cassandra. What is Super column family. Simple Use case that helps to understand Super column family in cassandra. Tools Uses : 1) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 2) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 3) Maven 3.3.3 4) JDK 1.6 What is Supercolumn Family ? 1) Super columns interns store a ...

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How to insert data into Super Column Family Using Hector API

In this Article, I will show How insert data into Super column family using hector API. What is Super column family. Simple Use case that helps to understand Super column family in cassandra. Tools Uses : 1) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 2) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 3) Maven 3.3.3 4) JDK 1.6 What is Supercolumn Family ? 1) Super columns interns store a ...

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SliceQuery and MultigetSliceQuery in Hector API

In this Article, I will show How to use SliceQuery and MultigetSliceQuery Interfaces to retrieve data from Cassandra. Simple use case that helps to understands, basic cassandra terminology “Column Family”, “Row Key”. When and How to Use SliceQuery and MultigetSliceQuery. Simple java program that retrieve data with SliceQuery and MultigetSliceQuery Interfaces. Importance of setRange() method of MultigetSliceQuery interface. Tools Uses ...

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Retrieve data from Cassandra using hector API

In this Article, I will show Different ways of retrieving data from Cassandra with hector API. Simple use case that helps to understands, basic cassandra terminology “Column Family”, “Row Key”. How to write a simple java program that retrieve data from Cassandra database. Tools Uses : 1) Apache-cassandra-2.1.6 2) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 3) Maven 3.3.3 4) JDK 1.6 or ...

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Insert data into Cassandra using hector API

In this Article, I will show How to insert data into Cassandra with hector API. Simple use case that helps to understands, basic cassandra terminology “Column Family”, “Row Key”. How these data is stored in data base. How to create Cassandra Data Model for the given use case. How to write a simple java program that insert data into Cassandra ...

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Cassandra CRUD Operation Using Java

In this Article, I will show How to connect to Cassandra database from java. What is Cassandra Session and Cluster objects and How to create. How to perform basic CRUD operations. Tools used : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Maven 3.3.3 3) Apache Cassandra 2.1.6 Server. 4) cassandra-driver-core 2.1.6. If you are completely new to Apache Cassandra, please refer ...

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