Templates by BIGtheme NET


How to create custom Tuple in Java

In this article, I will show you to create a simple custom Tuple class and how to use that in java classes. Tools Used : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Maven 3) JDK 1.8 When to Use? The initial motivation is to use this tuple object as Key in HashMap. Simple Steps to be followed 1) Create a Maven ...

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Java Program to read .PST and .OST files

In this Article, I will show you simple java program to read micro soft files with .pst and .ost extension. Tools Uses : 1) eclipse version Luna 4.4.1. 2) Maven 3.3.3 3) JDK 1.6 or higher Simple Java program to read .ost and .pst files. Simple Steps to follow, 1) Create a maven project. 2) Add java-libpst dependency to pom.xml ...

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