Templates by BIGtheme NET


JQuery to check whether Image is loaded or not

In this article, I will show how to check a particular image is loaded to web page or not with JQuery load event. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. By using JQuery load and error events, we can check image is loaded successfully or not. If ...

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How to add / remove rows dynamically to table in jQuery

In this article, I will show how add / remove rows to a table with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. Two JQuery methods append() and remove(), I am using to add / remove rows from a table. append is a JQuery method to add ...

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JQuery : user confirmation before re-load a page

In this article, I will show how provide user confirmation dialogue box before re-load (or) refresh (or) back to previous page by press back button a web page with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. When a page is exiting or unloading, the “unload” event ...

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JQuery: Highlight table row record on hover

In this article, I will show how to highlight table row on mouse hover event with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. JQuery hover() is a function expect two arguments, Syntax is, selector.hover( over, out ); Here, selector is some id of the form. over ...

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JQuery Example to re-load Page

In this article, I will show how to implement page refresh or reload with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. With reload() method of location object in JQuery, we can reload the current document or page. Syntax of reload() method is, location.reload(forceGet); This method is ...

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JQuery Zebra Stripes in a Table

In this article, I will show how to implement zebra stripes in a table with JQuery. If you are complete new to JQuery, Then refer the JQuery Quick Start This gives you basic understanding of JQuery. Simple Steps are, 1) Creating simple html table with some static data. 2) Add css styles to give better look and feel to the ...

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jQuery Quick Start

In this article, I will show how to start quick development with jQuery. How to simplify your code with jQuery. What tools are required to write, execute and run simple jQuery “hello world”. How to call simple script function using jQuery. How to work with jQuery Selectors. How to traverse and manipulate DOM object using jQuery. How to handle events ...

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Event Notification to user by playing beep sound in Java Script

Description This is a common requirement from web application users. For some events, required beep sound. That helps the user to identify some event occurrence. Examples: 1) When new message push to the device. 2) When user transaction is completed. 3) When User attention is required for some critical action. This code works even for lower end devices also. Sample ...

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JQuery to display simple timer on web page

This is a common requirement for most of the web sites. There are different ways to display digital clock on web pages. Most efficient way is useing JQuery. Even we can use Java Script, performence hit will be there in case. This solves even browser time zone difference problem as well. Code works fine with browsers like IE10, IE11, Firefox ...

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