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JMS Introduction

JMS Basics :
1) JMS (Java Message Service) is a Java API that allows you to create, send, receive, and
read messages.
2) It also mandates that messaging is asynchronous and has specific elements of reliability,
like guaranteed and once-and-only-once delivery. JMS is the de facto messaging solution in
the Java community.
3) In JMS, message consumers and producers talk to one another through an intermediary—
a JMS destination. A destination can be either a queue or a topic.
There are two types of JMS destinations: queues and topics. The queue is a point-to-point
channel, where each message has only one recipient. A topic delivers a copy of the message to all clients
who have subscribed to receive it.
4) Queues are strictly point-to-point, where each message has only one consumer. Topics operate on a publish/subscribe scheme; a single message may be delivered to many consumers if they have subscribed
to the topic.
5) JMS also provides a ConnectionFactory that clients (like Camel) can use to create a connection
with a JMS provider.
6) JMS providers are usually referred to as brokers because they manage the communication between
a message producer and a message consumer.