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Maven install command is not working in eclipse

Some times we will end up following error,
No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?

In this case, we need to change the path
Java -> Installed JREs path to point to jdk, instead of jre.

Jdk should be set to system Path variable, without this given solution will not work.
How to check path variable value?
open command prompt and “echo %path%”

If path variable does not pointing to jdk bin, then we have to add bin to system path variable.
How to add jdk bin value to system path variable?
Go to -> computer -> Rigth click and select properies -> Click on “Advanced system settings”
Click on “Advanced” tab -> Click on “Environment Variables” -> select system “path” variable ->
Click on Edit button and add jdk bin path and click on ok.

How to change in eclipse?
Go to windows -> Preferences

In Preferences window, go to Java -> Installed JREs and select added jre and click on Edit.
Browse jdk and click on Finish.

eclipse error

*** Venkat – Happy leaning ****